
New Funding Provides Life-Saving Humanitarian Assistance to Angola's Flood Victims

New funding of nearly USD 440,000 will allow IOM to provide
life-saving emergency shelter and other non-food assistance to
thousands more people displaced in areas worst hit by recent floods
in Angola.

The funds, from the US Agency for International Development
(USAID) through its Office of US Foreign Disaster Assistance
(OFDA), will help ensure temporary protection from bad weather
through the remainder of the rainy season for 8,000 people and to
provide basic support in the rehabilitation of damaged housing.

This new funding builds on that given by the UN's Central
Emergency Response Fund (CERF) allowing IOM to provide another
10,000 of the most vulnerable flood victims with shelter and
non-food assistance. This includes the distribution of kitchen
kits, blankets, used clothing in Kuando Kubango and Cunene and
Moxico with logistical support from Civil Protection.

The Organization is also providing training on shelter
construction to Angolan Red Cross workers in Cunene so they can
also help displaced people construct their shelters.

An estimated 220,000 people have been affected so far by severe
floods that have struck Angola's southern and central provinces
since March with about 76,000 people now reportedly displaced and
71 people killed. With heavy rains leading to 11 deaths in the past
few days, shelter assistance for the displaced has become ever more

Water, sanitation, food and health also remain key issues in the
humanitarian response with UN and NGO partners working to provide
assistance in these areas. However, a USAID-led mission has
indicated serious food security concerns in Cunene and Kuando
Kubango provinces with rural households without sufficient
livestock expected to face significant food shortages in the coming
year. Remote rural households without access to services are also
likely to need food assistance until the next harvest.

For further information, please contact:

Katharina Schnöring

IOM Angola

Tel: + 244.222 311 273

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