
New Funding Boosts Zimbabwe Emergency Response

Mohammed Abdiker, IOM Director of Operations and Emergencies, and Southern Africa Director Charles Kwenin this month in Zimbabwe visiting districts damaged by Cyclone Idai. Photo: IOM

Harare – Post-cyclone emergency response operations in Zimbabwe this week were boosted by a USD 100,000 contribution from the International Organization for Migration's internal funding mechanism.

The assistance will go towards Shelter and Non-Food Items (NFI), Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM), Health, Protection, Displacement Tracking, Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) and Early Recovery. IOM will take the lead in the Shelter and NFI/CCCM cluster.  

The flooding caused by Cyclone Idai has so far left 268 people dead. Some 270,000 were affected with an estimated 21,000 displaced in the country’s eastern Chipinge and Chimanimani districts. The affected persons who are now residing in collective centres such as schools, hotel conference rooms and vacant shops are in urgent need of assistance.  

Following the aftermath of the cyclone, IOM this month brought a high-level delegation to the hardest hit areas of Zimbabwe. The delegation – IOM Regional Director Southern Africa Charles Kwenin, IOM Zimbabwe Chief of Mission Mario Lito Malanca, and IOM Director of Operations and Emergencies Mohammed Abdiker – met with government officials and affected people in Chimanimani and Chipinge districts to establish the needs and challenges faced by the communities affected by Cyclone Idai. 

In a visit to Kopa and Ngangu, two communities of Chimanimani where the most displacements took place, the IOM delegation noted that Kopa, a once flourishing growth point with more than 77 households, was reduced to rubble with surviving residents seeking shelter in surrounding households. To date 305 people remain missing. 

Upon seeing the level of destruction caused by the cyclone, the Director of Operations and Emergencies authorised USD 100,000 from IOM’s internal emergency mechanism to Zimbabwe to cater for shelter and NFIs.  

“At IOM, we are looking at best ways to assist the affected communities especially in terms of shelter, psychosocial support and non-food items. We are here to support the people of Zimbabwe in the best way that we can,” said Abdiker.  

For more information, please contact Varaidzo Mudombi, OIM Zimbabwe, Tel : +26324270428, Email :

IOM Appeals for USD 3.15 Million to Assist Cyclone Idai Affected Communities in Malawi 

Lilongwe – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) has appealed for USD 3.15 million from the international community to enable the Organization to provide multi-sectorial humanitarian assistance to those affected by Cyclone Idai in Malawi.  

When Cyclone Idai made landfall in Malawi on 14-15 March 2019, it brought heavy and persistent rains which led to severe flooding across country’s southern districts. According to the Government of Malawi figures, more than 869,900 people have been affected, including more than 86,980 displaced, with 60 deaths and 672 injuries recorded. In total, fifteen districts in southern Malawi have been impacted.  

The site assessments conducted by IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) team in the four districts with the highest displacements – Zomba, Nsanje, Chikwawa, and Phalombe – from 25 March to 6 April 2019, recorded that 110,110 individuals (24,887 households) were displaced throughout 103 sites.  

Almost all displacement sites are collective centres, where populations fled to existing structures such as churches or schools and are sheltering in and around these buildings. However, living conditions are quickly deteriorating, due to overcrowding and the lack of access to basic services.  

With agriculture being the main source of livelihood for the rural population in Malawi, the heavy rains and floods have impacted agricultural activities. As fields are inundated, recently planted corps have been destroyed. Some districts as Nsanje are already reporting food insecurity.  

According to DTM assessments, the primary need for displaced people is food, followed by shelter. Displaced people report the desire to return home as soon as the rains cease. However, their homes have been destroyed and they do not currently have the means to rebuild them.  

Until they are able to return home and re-cultivate their crops, the displaced population will be reliant on humanitarian assistance and forced to live in collective centres and spontaneous sites and endure substandard living conditions.  

According to the DTM site assessment, half of collective centres are located in schools meaning that learners are unable to continue their education and displaced communities living in schools are able to relocate to another location.  

Find the full Malawi appeal here

For more information, please contact Mpilo Nkomo, IOM Malawi at Email: