
New Feature on IOM Website on Migration and Climate Change

A special page on the IOM website where users can access useful
information and documents relating to migration, climate change and
environmental degradation is now online.

Although much work has been done on migration and on climate
change/environmental degradation as two separate issues, the nexus
between the two has been little explored.

However, as the scale of human flows across and within borders
is expected to rise with the growing impact of climate change and
environmental degradation, a clearer understanding and response is
needed to the inter-relation between the two issues.

The new page on the IOM website serves to be a useful source of
information on the subject and on IOM's work in this area. Visit
Migration, Climate Change and Environmental Degradation at class="paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
"" target="" title=

For further information, please contact:

Philippe Boncour

IOM Geneva

Tel: + 41 22 717 9264

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