
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) Requests IOM Assistance in Delivery of Global In-Kind Aid to Pakistan's Flood Victims

The Government of Pakistan has requested IOM to act as consignee
for receiving and quickly delivering in-kind contributions by the
international community, increasingly pouring into the country.

"Due to your presence throughout the flood-affected areas, the
National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) supports IOM to act
as a consignee for humanitarian cargo, particularly shelter
material and non-food items, coming into Pakistan," says an
official communication to IOM.

The NDMA request to IOM follows 10 days of hectic but successful
handling of eight incoming flights – four from the United
Kingdom, three from the United States and one on behalf of the
United Nations – full of in-kind shelter and household relief
materials including shelter kits, plastic sheets,  blankets,
jerry cans and buckets.

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"We remain committed to support the government's flood response
by covering key logistical gaps which are very crucial to deliver
aid to flood victims in their respective areas as well as
displacement locations," says Hassan Abdel Moneim Mostafa, IOM
Regional Representative for West and Central Asia.

In total, cargoes handled by IOM over the last week included
1,500 tents, 36,100 plastic sheets and ropes, 65,500 blankets and
24,000 buckets donated by USAID's Office for Foreign Disaster
Assistance (OFDA) and the UK Department for International
Development (DFID).

In Islamabad alone, 132 trucks carried at least 500 tonnes of
relief cargo deliveries to the affected areas of Punjab and Khyber

According to the Emergency Shelter Cluster, materials have now
been distributed to provide shelter for 134,000 families. The
cluster has another 78,000 tents and 311,000 plastic sheets in the
pipeline to provide shelter for another 233,000 families. But
according to the National Disaster Management Authority more than
892,000 homes have been damaged or destroyed. This means that at
least another 525,000 homeless families may need help –
either from the government or from international donors.

For more information on IOM's activities in Pakistan and flood
relief pictures, please go to: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href="/jahia/Jahia/pakistan" target=
"_blank" title=

For additional information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel. +92.3008560341

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Chris Lom

Tel. +66 819275215

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