
Multimedia and Community Outreach Efforts Provide Information to Displaced Communities in Port-au-Prince

IOM is employing a range of multimedia tools as well as a team of
national community liaison officers to ensure that affected
populations have access to critical information which allows them
to make informed decisions about their well-being.

IOM's outreach activities in support of humanitarian efforts in
Haiti include the placing of safety, public health, shelter, and
other key messages into a weekly soap opera aired in Creole in
camps and the publication of a cartoon strip based on the show in
Haiti's largest daily newspaper, Le Nouvelliste.

For the past two months, IOM's team of local community liaison
officers has been conducting outreach activities in Port-au-Prince
to establish a two-way flow of information between
disaster-affected communities, humanitarian actors, and service

By providing displaced communities with regular and up-to-date
information on humanitarian services and assistance, community
liaison officers mitigate potential tensions based on
misinformation and rumour. They also provide much-needed feedback
from affected communities to humanitarian agencies and the
Government to inform their operations.

IOM is planning to expand its outreach efforts to include
displaced communities and other vulnerable groups to the towns of
Léogane, Jacmel and Petit Goave.

For more information, please contact:

Leonard Doyle

Media and Communication Officer

Tel: (509) 3702.5066

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