
Morocco Funds IOM Facility

The government of the Kingdom of Morocco has made an unearmarked
USD 10,000 contribution to IOM’s 1035 Facility, which
provides special support to IOM developing Member States and Member
States with economies in transition, for the development and
implementation of joint government-IOM projects to address
particular areas of migration management.

This contribution is the first from a developing country.
“It aims to bring the attention of donors to the existence of
the Facility, which has helped set up many useful projects in
developing countries,” says Ambassador Mohammed Loulichki,
Permanent Representative of Morocco to the United Nations Office in
Geneva. “We hope this gesture will encourage other countries
to provide additional funding to ensure the sustainability of 1035
funded projects.”

Since its launch in 2001, the Facility has supported over 160
projects in various areas of IOM activity and has benefited 83
Member States.

For more on IOM’s 1035 Facility, including information for
potential donors, please go to "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=