
More than Two Million Persons Affected by Heavy Rains in Colombia

IOM Colombia is providing assistance to Colombians affected by
heavy rains brought by La Niña, a weather phenomenon
characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the
Equatorial Pacific.

Some 2.1 million persons have been severely affected by the
heavy rains.  La Niña dumped heavy rains throughout
Colombia which have impacted 28 of the country's 32
departments.  More than 280 persons have perished in the
landslides and floods; 3,100 homes have been destroyed; and 310,000
others have been damaged.  More than one million hectares of
agricultural land have been flooded by swollen rivers.

IOM is working with the Colombian Government to address the
emergency.  A total of USD 860,000 has been received from
Colombian Government institutions and donors, including US Agency
for International Development (USAID) and the UN Central Emergency
Response Fund (CERF).

Because many families are refusing to leave their homes, even
those at risk of flooding, IOM is building 750 family shelters,
locally known as Tambos, so that the families can remain close to
their homes.  The shelters are built on platforms well above
ground level so that families will be safe and dry.

Other assistance being provided includes: water and sanitation
for 500 families in the southern Department of Nariño. 
In the northern municipality of San Onofre IOM is working with the
community in order to effectively allocate the resources provided
by the Colombian Government for flood victims.

Similarly, IOM officials have taken part in an assessment in the
department of Chocó, on the Pacific coast, and in the
northern coastal region of La Mojana.  IOM Colombia is also
partnering with the Special Protection Committee for Children led
by the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF by its Spanish

Marcelo Pisani, IOM Chief of Mission in Colombia explains,
"Colombia is experiencing a rainy season without precedence which
has created this emergency situation.  IOM Colombia is
applying the lessons learnt from our involvement in emergency
response in natural disasters around the world to bring immediate
help those who have lost everything."

For more information, please contact:

Jorge Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel: +57 1 622-7774

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