
More Life-Saving Assistance Reaches Displaced Populations in Southern Yemen

IOM is stepping up its efforts to register and provide life-saving
humanitarian assistance to vulnerable displaced families in Yemen's
restive southern governorate of Abyan.

Since the beginning of hostilities in early June, IOM has
registered some 2,400 families (13,500 individuals) displaced in
Abyan's Khanfir, Serar and Ahwar districts, which continue to
witness substantial displacement following renewed fighting between
Government forces and Al Qaeda-linked militants in and around the
regional capital Zinjibar.

As the only agency providing humanitarian relief within Abyan
governorate, IOM has provided some 1,300 particularly vulnerable
displaced families and individuals, including women, children, the
elderly and those with special needs, with humanitarian assistance
including essential shelter materials such as blankets, mattresses,
cooking kits and tents, as well as hygiene items including water
jugs, soap, towels, water filters and feminine sanitary items.

"Whilst the UN Country Team has focused its efforts on providing
for the needs of displaced families in the governorates of Aden and
Lahj, a lot remains to be done in Abyan governorate itself, the
area most affected by ongoing conflict," says Nicoletta Giordano,
IOM's Chief of Mission in Yemen.

IOM assessments of displacement areas within Abyan governorate
show that Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) lack safe and
sufficient access to basic commodities such as food, drinking water
and shelter. Services such as primary healthcare and sanitation
remain erratic at a time when impoverished displaced families are
facing escalating food, water and fuel prices.

"IOM is expanding its current intervention to provide further
material assistance to meet the shelter, cooking and clothing needs
of displaced populations and will soon begin operating a mobile
health clinic and providing water trucking services to areas
hosting IDP populations," says IOM's Giordano.

To ensure that the most immediate needs of Abyan's IDPs are
adequately addressed, IOM continues to coordinate with the United
Nations Country Team, particularly UNICEF, the World Food
Programme, the World Health Organization, as well as Government
bodies to provide a comprehensive relief package including food,
water, health, shelter and non?food aid.

Violent conflict resulting from countrywide political turmoil
and in response to alleged takeover of military and government
facilities in the north and south of Yemen has resulted in numerous
casualties and the displacement of thousands of individuals from
their homes.

In late May 2011, Government of Yemen forces began a series of
aerial and sea strikes targeting sites labelled as militant
strongholds in the regional capital Zinjibar. Government of Yemen
figures indicate that ongoing fighting has led to the displacement
of some 90,000 persons throughout southern Yemen's governorates of
Abyan, Lahj and Aden.

IOM's life-saving emergency assistance to displaced populations
in Abyan governorate is funded through the United Nations' Central
Emergency Response Fund (CERF).

For more information please contact:

IOM Yemen's Emergency & Post-Crisis Unit

Tel: +967 1 410 568/572

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