
More Abyei-Displaced Persons are Registered Amid Growing Concerns Over Fuel Shortages and Insecurity

Deliveries of desperately needed aid to people displaced in the
conflict in Sudan’s contested region of Abyei could be
delayed because of fuel shortages and continuing insecurity.

IOM field workers and international partners are trying to speed
up the delivery of life-saving services but they say they are
facing major challenges because of the lack of fuel and the
continuing conflict.

So far IOM – which is leading efforts to track and
register internally displaced persons (IDPs) – has registered
and verified 83,526 of a total 105,977 people who fled Abyei
following the outbreak of violence on 21st May.

Most of the IDPs are concentrated in Mayen Abun, Agok, Wunrok
and Turalei, all in Warrap State. Displaced persons from Abyei have
also been confirmed in Northern Bahr el Ghazal, Western Bahr el
Ghazal and Unity states.

IOM staff who are conducting mobile tracking and monitoring say
56 per cent of the displaced are women, while 21 per cent are
children under four years. They are all in need of shelter, food
and non-food assistance. Baby food and milk are particularly needed
as 10 per cent of the displaced are women with babies. Staff
on the ground say there is a high number of traumatised pregnant
and lactating women who require special attention.

"The needs are immense and while most of the affected population
has been reached, we are on standby for additional displacement and
more importantly, growing needs during the rainy season," said
Gerry Waite, Head of IOM Juba office during a visit to IDP
locations in Warrap State.

IOM is leading the distribution of non-food items to IDPs and so
far, more than 68,225 persons have been provided with plastic
sheeting, blankets and kitchen utensils.

IOM is also operating a mobile health clinic alongside its
partners to address the healthcare needs of the affected
population, many of whom travelled on foot for long distances and
in difficult conditions. In addition, IOM water and sanitation
teams are working to establish water points and other necessary
services for those displaced.

For further information, please contact:

Gerard Waite

IOM Juba

Tel: +249922406615

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