
More than 50,000 Ex-Combatants Participate in Colombia's Reintegration and Information System

The Reintegration Information System (RIS) developed by the
Colombian Government with support from IOM and recognized as one of
the most advanced technological systems used in demobilization and
reintegration processes, is assisting more than 50,000
ex-combatants to successfully reintegrate into civilian life.

In use since 2007, the RIS has succeeded in consolidating a
centralized database that contains information on each person
taking part in the demobilization and reintegration process and on
the different assistance modules developed by the Colombian
Government to ensure a successful reintegration into civilian life,
including healthcare, psychosocial support, education, job training
and income generation opportunities.

So far, 53,492 ex-combatants are registered with the RIS which
includes personal data and monitoring mechanisms that measure the
progress made by each participant along the road to reintegration.
The system allows the Government to quickly address potential gaps
in the assistance provided to former combatants.

The precursor to RIS, the Evaluation and Support System (SAME by
its Spanish acronym) developed by IOM Colombia, collected all
information on persons who demobilized between 2003 and 2006 as
part of collective demobilizations of Colombia's self defence
groups.  Today, it continues to identify and analyze
information on the demobilization process and its participants.

Recently, a delegation of businessmen, journalists and academics
from the United States visited Colombia at the invitation of the
United States Embassy in Bogotá. They were given a first
hand look at the RIS by IOM and the Colombian High Commission for
Reintegration, the government institution leading the
demobilization and reintegration process.

Since 2006, IOM with financial support from the United States
Agency for International Development (USAID) has been working with
the Colombian Government to help more than 53,000 ex combatants
reintegrate into civilian life.

For more information, please contact:

Jorge Gallo

IOM Bogota

Tel: +57 1 622-7774

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