
Moldovan Diaspora Outline Steps to Strengthen Relationship with Home Country

The IV Moldovan Diaspora Congress ended in Chisinau yesterday, 14
October, with a resolution identifying concrete steps that would
strengthen relationships between Moldovan migrants and their
country of origin and which would build a more prosperous Moldova.

The Congress, organized by the Bureau of Inter-Ethnic Relations
in partnership with IOM, brought together 110 Moldovans living in
31 countries, government ministers, Moldovan President Mihai Ghimpu
and Prime Minister Vlad Filat.

The resolution identified measures such as the creation of a
specialized state agency on diaspora and a diaspora council with a
consultative role for Moldovan government; the involvement of
diaspora leaders in Moldovan official delegations; supporting the
creation of Moldovan Cultural Centres in cities with large number
of Moldovan migrants and promoting policies which would better
involve the Moldovan diaspora in the social, economic and political
affairs of their home country.

Held as part of an IOM-implemented EU-funded programme, the
Congress aimed to strengthen the partnership between the Moldovan
government and Moldovan migrants abroad by discussing the most
pressing issues of common interest and to find ways for Moldovan
migrants to contribute to the development of their country through
the experience they gained from being abroad.

Discussions also included the protection of migrants' rights;
utilizing educational, cultural and scientific activities abroad to
promote national culture and traditions; the importance of Moldovan
diaspora in promoting the country towards European integration and
ways to consolidate the Moldovan diaspora.

An estimated 300,000 to 600,000 Moldovans live outside of the
country with remittances representing more than 34 per cent of GDP,
making it one of Europe's most emigration affected countries.

The adopted resolution will be discussed with Moldovan
authorities at a later stage and will be included in the National
Diaspora Action Plan.

For more information, please contact:

Dorina Andreev

IOM Moldova

Tel: +373 79 200 170

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