
Migration Key to Development and Women's Empowerment, IOM's Director General to Tell IV Least Developed Countries Conference

IOM Director General William Lacy Swing will emphasize the
relationship between migration and development at the IV UN
Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC) beginning next
Monday in Istanbul.

"I am pleased that for the first time the significant role of
migrant remittances as a valuable resource for LDC development will
be recognized and reflected in the Istanbul programme of action,"
says IOM Director General William Lacy Swing.

IOM statements in many of the special events of the LDC
Conference will emphasize that regular and managed migrant
remittances can contribute to the overall development of LDCs.

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title="">Fourth UN Conference on Least Developed Countries

Statements will also reiterate that migration is a proven
strategy for individuals and in many cases for the community in the
alleviation of poverty and long term development.  Migrant's
remittances can also contribute to securing livelihoods, reducing
vulnerabilities and providing basic necessities such as food,
health and education.

According to World Bank figures, the USD 24 billion in
remittances sent by migrants to LDCs in 2009 surpassed the
approximately USD 16 billion in foreign direct investment received
by these countries in the same year with these figures illustrative
of their key role.

In addition, ideas, practices and skills among migrants
contribute to development, an important aspect that IOM will
highlight in Istanbul. Women and men, who come into contact with
worlds outside of their own, either as migrants or as recipients of
remittances, are able to make informed decisions about the social
institutions that too often discriminate against women. These
remittances can contribute towards gender equality especially
women's empowerment in the LDC countries.

During Istanbul, IOM will also draw attention to population
displacement as a result of environmental degradation exacerbated
by climate change.  The preparation and drafts of the
Programme of Action have acknowledged the special needs of
populations displaced in such manner.

"With 30 of the 48 LDCs currently Member States of IOM, and a
further three LDCs holding Observer Status, the Organization is
well placed to effectively assist in the implementation of the
Istanbul Programme of Action," highlighted Director General Swing,
adding: "We will be proactive, with a view to enabling all those in
LDCs to move out of poverty by 2021."

Mr. Swing will act as a lead-discussant at the High-Level
Interactive Thematic Debate on Human and Social Development, Gender
Equality and Empowerment of Women, and co-host a side event with
Michelle Bachelet, UN's Under-Secretary-General for Gender Equality
and the Empowerment of Women on Integrating Migration and
Remittances into LDC National and Regional Development Planning,
Including Through a Gender Perspective.

For further information on the Conference and a detailed agenda,
please visit the official website at: "paragraph-link-no-underline" href=
"" target="_blank"

For more information on IOM or to request interviews, please

Meera Sethi

IOM Turkey

Tel: +90 312 454-1136

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