
Mediterranean Migrant Arrivals Reach 350,573; Deaths at Sea: 4,699

Switzerland - IOM reports that 350,573 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea in 2016 through 30 November, arriving mostly in Greece and Italy, compared with 883,393 by this time in 2015.

Some 171,751 people have arrived in Greece and 173,188 in Italy during 2016. Arrivals in Italy increased by 20.1 percent from 144,205 at this point last year. The figures, provided by the Italian Ministry of Interior, show that migrants continued to cross the Mediterranean, despite dangerous sea conditions and colder winter weather.

The total number of migrant and refugee fatalities in the Mediterranean since the beginning of 2016 is now 4,699. This is some 1,125 more than at this point last year, when 3,565 men, women and children were reported drowned.

For the latest Mediterranean Update infographic:

For latest arrivals and fatalities in the Mediterranean, please visit:

Learn more about the Missing Migrants Project at:

For further information please contact:
Flavio Di Giacomo at IOM Italy, Tel: +39 347 089 8996, Email: 
IOM Greece: Daniel Esdras, Tel: +30 210 9912174, Email: or Kelly Namia, Tel: +30 210 9919040, +30 210 9912174, Email: 
Julia Black at IOM GMDAC, Tel: +49 30 278 778 27, Email:
Mazen Aboulhosn at IOM Turkey, Tel: +9031245 51202, Email:
IOM Libya: Othman Belbeisi, Tel: +216 29 600389, Email:  or Ashraf Hassan, Tel: +216297 94707, Email:

For information or interview requests in French:
Florence Kim, OIM Genève, Tel: +41 79 103 03 42, Email:
Flavio Di Giacomo, OIM Italie, Tel: +39 347 089 8996, Email: