
Managing Migration and Combating Human Trafficking in Liberia

Supporting government efforts to stabilize the country after years
of conflict in Liberia by managing its migration flows, IOM is
training officials of newly created mobile immigration units
operating on the border with Côte D'Ivoire aimed at
strengthening border facilities along the country's eastern

Thirty officials from Liberia's Bureau of Immigration and
Naturalization (BIN) will spend nearly three weeks learning about
issues relating to travel documents, including identification of
fraudulent documents and imposter recognition; the identification
of victims of trafficking and how to assist, interview and refer
them as well as on good governance in general.

The training, carried out in close cooperation with the UN's
Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and with support from the French
government, which has also provided the mobile teams with vehicles
and communication equipment, will help officials use key methods in
successfully addressing border management issues that arise on a
daily basis.

For further information, please contact:

Laurent de Boeck

IOM Dakar

Tel: +221 33 869 62 00

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