
Mainstreaming Migration into Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development in Antananarivo, Madagascar

Migration is the primary force driving urbanization. The fast rate of urbanization and rising migration to cities, brings both risks and opportunities for migrants, communities and governments. Migration governance should thus be an issue at the frontline of urban planning and sustainable development. The Commune Urbaine d'Antananarivo is constantly facing the challenges brought about by the high influx of migration stemming from rural areas and smaller cities in Madagascar, as it lacks the capacity to effectively support and benefit from such urbanization.

As a response to this difficulty, and with support from the IOM Development Fund, the innovative project “Mainstreaming Migration into Sustainable and Inclusive Urban Development in Antananarivo, Madagascar” will be assisting municipal authorities and other stakeholders in the mainstreaming of migration into sustainable and inclusive urban development planning in the city of Antananarivo. On 9 December 2020, the project was officially launched by way of a workshop that brought together all of the institutional actors and partners involved in migration and urban development in the Commune Urbaine d'Antananarivo.