
Local, International Agencies Work Together to Meet Vast Sindh Shelter Needs

IOM is working with Sindh's Provincial Disaster Management
Authority (PDMA) and 30 local and international aid agencies to
closely coordinate delivery of emergency shelter to over a million
homeless families in the flood-stricken province.

At a meeting of the IOM-led Emergency Shelter Cluster in Sukkur
last week, eight NGOs – SAWA Development Organization, HANDS,
PLAN International, CRS, IRD, Saath Development Society, Muslim Aid
and ROSHNI Welfare Organisation – agreed to serve as cluster
and PDMA focal points in the nine northern Sindh districts of
Khaipur, Kashmore, Ghotki, Jacobabad, Larkana, Shikarpur, Sukkur,
Shahdad Kot and Naushahro Feroze.

As focal points they will coordinate with the district
authorities on the provision of and need for shelter and non-food
relief items; maintain a list of aid agencies working in their
district; identify gaps and highlight urgent needs; coordinate
district-level cluster coordination; and disseminate cluster
information to other district-level actors.

At the shelter cluster's new Hyderabad hub for southern Sindh,
IOM is still working directly with the local authorities,
international NGO partners and local NGOs including SSYWF, SRO,
AHD, Leaf and DDP.

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All shelter data collected at provincial level is fed up to the
national level, where cluster information managers are building a
nationwide picture of what shelter aid is being delivered where by
whom, and what gaps remain. This information is updated daily and
is available to all on the website.

In Sindh, flooding is currently continuing around Manchar Lake
in Dadu and Jamshoro districts, displacing thousands more people.
Eight breaches developed in the lake's embankments on Thursday,
inundating 75 villages, Sehwan airport and parts of Bubak town.

According to the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA),
over a million homes have now been damaged or destroyed in Sindh
and almost 1.5 million people are now living in 4,200 relief camps
in the province.

To date, shelter cluster agencies have managed to deliver
emergency shelter to some 336,000 families nationwide, but
relatively little of it to Sindh, where over 95 per cent of
emergency shelter needs have yet to be met due to lack of access
and lack of supplies. Meanwhile more people in the province are
being displaced every day.

As people continue to be displaced in Sindh, floodwaters in
other provinces are receding, allowing people to return home. But
the devastation left by the floods means that they now face massive
new challenges, including rebuilding their homes and restarting
their livelihoods.

IOM medical staff operating clinics in Punjab's Muzzafargarh and
Rajanpur districts, who have begun to hold mobile outreach clinics
for flood-affected populations, also report growing health problems
among flood-affected populations. They note increasing numbers of
patients suffering from skin disorders, gastroenteritis,
respiratory tract infections and malaria.

The USD 2 billion Floods Emergency Response Plan (FERP) launched
by the UN in New York on Friday aims to help some 14 million people
with ongoing relief and early recovery projects over the next
twelve months.

IOM is appealing for USD 114 million for projects including the
ongoing provision of emergency shelter and non-food relief items;
repair and construction of transitional shelters; debris removal;
rebuilding community infrastructure including roads and bridges;
giving people tools to restart their livelihoods; restoration of
primary health care; mass communications for flood-affected
populations; shelter cluster coordination; and security awareness
induction training (SAIT) for humanitarian aid workers.

For more information on IOM's activities in Pakistan, to
download IOM funding appeals or to donate to IOM's flood response,
please go to: "/jahia/Jahia/pakistan" target="" title=

For information on the Emergency Shelter Cluster, please go to:
"" target="_blank"

For additional information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300 856 0341

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Chris Lom

Tel: +92.300 852 6357

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