
Kosovo Shelter Coalition Receives IOM Backing

An alliance of seven local non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
providing shelter assistance to victims of trafficking (VoT) and
domestic violence (DV) in Kosovo will optimize their ability to
respond to the many needs of vulnerable individuals with IOM

The 11-month programme, which is funded through the Dutch
Embassy in Pristina, also aims to strengthen the NGOs' capacities
to jointly fundraise and advocate for the rights of victims at a
local and central level.

As part of the programme, IOM counter trafficking staff will
work with NGO counterparts to standardize and coordinate their
operational responses. Best practices on the provision of direct
assistance to victims of trafficking and domestic violence,
including shelter guidelines, will also be shared with
participating NGOs.

Kosovo has a strong legal framework for the protection of VoT
and DV survivors in line with the International Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW)
and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC).

Furthermore, the recent adoption of the Law on Protection
against Domestic Violence has paved the way for the 2010-2013
National Strategy and Action Plan against Domestic Violence.

In addition, the National Strategy and Action Plan against
Trafficking in Human Beings 2011 -2014 lately has been endorsed by
the Government of Kosovo.

Since 1999, the IOM Mission in Kosovo has supported shelters by
providing various trainings for staff and organizing study visits
abroad. IOM has also provided direct return and reintegration
assistance to more than 700 victims who have benefited from income
generating activities.

Currently, IOM Kosovo with the support of USAID is implementing
a programme that supports shelters and includes: direct assistance
to victims of trafficking; capacity building for service providers
to enable professional and sustained support for VoT; creation of
sources of income for individuals vulnerable to trafficking and
VoT; and awareness raising activities on how youth can access
available community resources.

For more information, please contact:

Bekim Ajdini

IOM Kosovo

Tel: +381 38 249 041 ext. 105

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