
Japan contributes USD 2,240,000 Additional Funds for Peace, Security efforts and Humanitarian Assistance in Cameroon


A beneficiary of the activities implemented by IOM thanks to funding from the people of Japan. ©IOM Cameroon2023/Elodie BODOLO

Yaoundé – December 4, 2023, the Embassy of Japan in Cameroon has provided IOM with more than 2 million USD for the implementation of the project: “Supporting Displaced and Crisis Affected Populations in Cameroon’s Far North, North-West, and South-West Regions for Recovery and Resilience Building for Humanitarian Development Peace Nexus”. The People of Japan, through their valuable representatives, underscore that promoting peace and stability in the Far North and North-West/South-West (NWSW) regions of Cameroon by building the resilience of communities affected by hazardous floods, violence and hostilities and recovery is paramount.

The project also aims at enhancing economic empowerment, social cohesion, psychosocial activities and context-specific programming. By selecting this project, Japan confirms its bet on durability through this support to the fourth phase of intervention in Cameroon to save lives in crisis areas of Far North and North West as well as South West.

Taking advantage of the priority set by the Director General to focus more on youth, IOM will support and empower young Cameroonians in these regions by providing economic empowerment opportunities in partnership with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) through technical assistance. The Organization also continues to support community stabilization and recovery through processes psychosocial activities for increased resilience and community reconciliation.

IOM intent to support the development of frameworks for dealing with former associates of non-States armed groups in Far North region as well as technical supports to the national and regional government, while promoting community-based diagnostics and planning for targeted community infrastructures. This will relieve pressure on livelihoods and intercommunal tensions over the access to common natural resources. Moreover, IOM will also continue to provide target communities in regions with urgent lifesaving assistance in shelter and non-food items in response to their displacement: an additional step towards durable solutions.


For more information, please contact:

  • The Embassy of Japan in Cameroon, Airi Sugimoto, Tel: +237 222 20 62 02, Email:
  • The International Organisation for Migration in Cameroon (IOM), Haruka Mizobata, Tel: +237 6 95 81 34 80, Email: hmizobata@iom.intElodie Ndeme Bodolo, Tel: + 237 6 91 63 89 57, Email: