
Japan Backs IOM Shelter Operations in Pakistan's Flood-hit Sindh

IOM is to scale up its shelter and non-food emergency response
operations in flood-affected areas of Sindh following a USD 1
million contribution from the Government of Japan.

The funding will provide plastic tarpaulins, ropes, tent poles
and pegs, blankets, kitchen sets, solar lamps and sleeping mats for
some 4,000 families or 24,000 people in some of Sindh's worst
affected districts.

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"IOM will distribute this aid from its hubs in Hyderabad and
Sukkur directly and through our humanitarian partners. We will
particularly target vulnerable groups including female-headed
households, widows, the elderly and the disabled," said IOM
Emergency Operations Manager Tya Maskun.

"We are still getting requests for help from communities that
have not received any aid at all. This week we reached one such
community of 230 families in Shaheed Benazirabad by boat. The water
was chest high and they had nothing," she added.

The new funding will also support work of the IASC Emergency
Shelter Cluster. The cluster of aid agencies, which is led by IOM,
is carrying out multi-sector profiling of displacement sites,
including camps and temporary settlements.

IOM has assisted over 34,250 families with shelter and essential
non-food relief items in the worst flood-affected districts of
Sindh since August.

It has received over USD 3 million from international donors,
including USD 1.5 million from UN Central Emergency Response Fund,
USD 1 million from the Government of Japan and USD 689,000 from the
British Department for International Development (DFID). DFID has
also provided an in-kind contribution of shelter and non food
relief items.

For more information, please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300.856.0341

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