
Islamic Relief Worldwide, IOM Distribute Food for Eid in Divided Boda

Central African Republic - IOM and Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) have distributed 6,000 food parcels to internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the town of Boda, Central African Republic (CAR).

The town is separated along religious lines by a red line surrounding the Muslim enclave. Residents do not cross the red line for fear of attack by armed groups.

The food distribution was timed to coincide with celebrations marking Eid – the end of Ramadan. The Muslim and non-Muslim communities each received 3,000 frozen chickens.

In addition, food including bread, tuna, canned vegetables, pasta, coffee, tea and sugar were given to the Muslim community for their Eid celebrations.

A second food distribution is scheduled for mid-August. In the second distribution each community will again receive 3,000 frozen chickens. The non-Muslim community will also receive a distribution of various other foods.

There are approximately 7,000 people in the Muslim enclave community in Boda. The non-Muslim IDP community is made up of more than 10,000 people who are sheltered at eight different IDP sites around Boda. 

This EUR 180,000 food delivery project is sponsored by Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC).

IRW representative Nicholas Jones told leaders in both Boda communities that this donation is made in solidarity with all those affected by the CAR crisis.

“Islamic Relief Worldwide, working in partnership with the OIC and IOM, are very pleased to have been able to support both Christian and Muslim communities during this period of intense suffering and loss.  Ramadan is a time of peace extended to all, and we fully support the efforts of all those working towards peace and alleviating the human suffering caused by the conflict,” he said.

IOM CAR Chief of Mission Giuseppe Loprete said: “This is a symbolic distribution on the occasion of Eid – the end of Ramadan. I am pleased that the operation went smoothly without security concerns. IOM is committed to support the whole community of Boda.”

Leaders in Boda thanked IRW and IOM for the food donation and asked for more medical services, shelters and non-food relief items.

Approximately 1,000 homes were destroyed in Boda at the end of January when conflict flared up between Seleka and Anti-Balaka militia. The Seleka have since departed and the Anti-Balaka have an influential presence. French Sangaris and UN MISCA troops provide security in Boda.

There are more than 17,000 IDPs in Boda. Thousands live with host families or in partially destroyed homes. Hundreds of others continue to take refuge in the bush and are in dire need of food, shelter and medical assistance.

IOM has been present in Boda since March 2014 leading camp coordination and camp management activities. It also runs a mobile health clinic in Boda, focused on underserved communities sheltering IDPs.

For more information please contact

Sandra Black
Tel. +236 7276 3411