
Iraqi Families Fleeing Syria Receive Emergency Aid

Iraq - IOM has distributed emergency relief items in Mosul and Telkaif to 46 vulnerable Iraqi families who fled Syria to escape the deteriorating security situation.
The distribution, funded by the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, was implemented in close coordination with Iraq’s Ministry of Displacement and Migration, the Government Emergency Cell and the National Returnees Center in Ninewa.

The non-food relief items included mattresses, blankets, pillows, gas stoves, kerosene heaters, carpets, personal hygiene items, cleaning materials and plastic storage cabinets from IOM’s emergency warehouse in Erbil.

Beneficiaries were selected on the basis of a rapid vulnerability assessment conducted by IOM Iraq field staff. In addition to being forced to flee for their lives, many of the beneficiaries also suffered from health problems and were without any kind of income.  

To learn more about Syrians and Iraqis arriving in Iraq to escape the Syrian conflict, please see:

For more information, please contact  

IOM Iraq Public Information
Tel. +962 65659660  