
Iranian officials train in border management

Iran - IOM, in collaboration with the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will organize a two-day workshop addressing immigration and border management issues on Iran’s Kish Island on 21st and 22nd February.

This will be the third annual round of training that IOM has conducted for Iranian officials and policy makers involved in migration management and development issues.

The workshop, funded by the Government of Japan, will be attended by 70 officials from Iran’s Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and immigration police officers.

Iran, which has been a member of IOM since 2001, is a country of origin, transit and destination for migrants due to its geopolitics, demographics and economic opportunities.

As Afghanistan’s western neighbour, it is one of the largest refugee hosting countries in the world and is also vulnerable to various forms of irregular migration, including trafficking and smuggling.

The country also has a large diaspora scattered in the region and beyond in Western Europe, North America and Australia.

For further information, please contact
Mehran Razmehr
IOM Tehran
Tel: +98-21-22048886