
IOM Zambia Donates IEC Materials on Early Warning Systems to DMMU

Zambia donates IEC materials to DMMU

IOM Zambia handover of IEC Materials to DMMU on 28th of March, 2024

IOM Zambia COM accompanied by IOM ARMP

IOM Zambia Chief of Mission accompanied by IOM ARMP

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Zambia through the Africa Regional Migration Program (ARMP) funded by the United States Government has donated over 10,000 Information, Education and Communication materials on Early Warning Systems (EWS) to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) in Lusaka.

The IEC materials have been  developed and handed over to DMMU to strengthen early warning systems (EWS) at national, provincial and community levels amidst extreme climate conditions affecting Zambia such as droughts, seasonal and flash floods, extreme temperatures, wet spells and dry spells characterized by increased intensity, frequency and magnitude.

Speaking during the handover ceremony, IOM Zambia Chief of Mission, Ms. Keisha Livermore expressed gratitude to the government of the United States through ARMP for aiding the development of the IEC materials that have been successfully handed over to DMMU.

“I believe and hope that the materials being handed over will greatly contribute to awareness raising amongst communities on the importance of Early Warning Systems and empower members of the community to take proactive measures to safeguarding their lives and properties here in Zambia.” Ms. Livermore said.

The IOM Zambia Chief of Mission further said that IOM remains fully committed to supporting Zambia in building resilient communities and ensuring that no one is left behind in times of crisis. “I believe that together, we can strengthen our collective efforts and responses to natural disasters and create a safer and more resilient future for everyone in Zambia, Ms. Livermore added.

In receiving the donation, DMMU National Coordinator, Dr. Gabriel Pollen extended his utmost gratitude to IOM Zambia and the government of the United States for the generous donation of the IEC materials to the Zambian government through DMMU.

“On behalf of the people of Zambia, on behalf of the President and indeed on behalf of her Honor, the Vice President in whose office I sit, we want to say thank you very much for the donations.” Dr. Pollen said.

Dr. Pollen who recognized the crucial role of information in making disaster response much more effective, also assured IOM Chief of Mission and the government of the United States that the information on Early Warning Systems that has been well packaged will go to the people in communities to raise awareness.

On Friday, 28 March 2024, IOM Zambia Chief of Mission accompanied by IOM ARMP delegation donated IEC materials on Early Warning Systems including backdrop and popup banners, brochures and pamphlets to DMMU office in Lusaka, Zambia.