
IOM, YouTube Stars Launch Campaign to Prevent Exploitation in Manufacturing

Bangkok Young Thais truly have the power to change the world. This was the message at the launch of IOM X’s Do you know who made it? campaign today (27/03), which asks young Thais to take the lead in making smart purchasing decisions that reinforce the fair treatment of workers in the manufacturing industry.

IOM X is a campaign to prevent human trafficking and exploitation, run by IOM, the UN Migration Agency, and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

In partnership with some of Thailand’s top YouTube stars, IOM X will reach more than 13 million Thai YouTube users with stories that highlight both the good side and the bad side of the manufacturing industry.

From Bie the Ska’s drama depicting a father’s misery on the production line of a mobile phone factory, producing the very product his daughter is begging him for; to VRZO’s Happy, an ironic look at how clothes are marketed, versus how they are made; and BILLbilly01’s animated music video highlighting the fact that there are real people making the clothes that we wear; IOM X’s Do you know who made it? campaign takes a deep dive into the manufacturing industry.

YouTube creator Softpomz gets the inside scoop from kids on what’s fair and what’s not when it comes to work, while Picnicly interviews restaurant owners working to improve the lives of their staff and suppliers.

“Here’s the truth: whenever we make a purchase, we risk supporting exploitation,” said IOM X Programme Leader Tara Dermott. “But if we choose what we buy wisely, we can contribute to breaking the cycle of abuse that harms the people behind the products.”

There are approximately 16.6 million people in forced labour situations in Asia Pacific, across a variety of industries, including manufacturing. Annual illegal profits from forced labour in Asia, including in the manufacturing sector, are an estimated USD 52 billion.

Human trafficking victims in manufacturing jobs in Asia Pacific often live in substandard housing, are not paid their full salaries, and have their documents confiscated to prevent them from leaving their jobs.

They may be subjected to unpaid overtime hours or hazardous working conditions (such as working with toxic chemicals and dangerous machinery), and are at risk of injuries resulting from repetitive motions. Not having the right protective clothing and gear can lead to serious health issues such as cancer, respiratory illnesses, dermatological problems, liver damage, hearing problems and neurological problems.

Debt bondage – the practice of forcing someone to pay off a loan by working – is a common practice used in the manufacturing industry to keep victims bound to their workplace. For example, a migrant working in the electronics manufacturing industry in Southeast Asia pays an average of USD 500-1,200 in recruitment fees; often these fees are then deducted from the worker’s salary.

IOM X launched the Do you know who made it? campaign with USAID, Google Thailand, Love Frankie and TQPR.

Visit to better understand where the products you buy come from, and how you can help prevent the exploitation of the people who make them. High-resolution photos and further information are available at

For more information please contact Mia Barrett at IOM X, Tel: +66 84 705 2114, Email: