
IOM Welcomes High-Level Panel's Recommendations on Internal Displacement

After years of displacement due to conflict in Sudan’s Darfur region, the residents of Majmari returned to their village where IOM helped rebuild their destroyed homes. Photo: Muse Mohammed/IOM

Geneva – The International Organization for Migration (IOM) welcomes the launch of the report,  Shining a Light on Internal Displacement: A Vision for the  Future,  by the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement. IOM commends the United Nations Secretary-General’s initiative in establishing the High Level-Panel and tasking it with recommending solutions to the global internal displacement crisis.  

The report’s recommendations follow a collaborative process in which IOM provided its expertise on internal displacement. The report represents an important contribution to the global dialogue on internal displacement and a step towards developing lasting and effective solutions for the displaced.

IOM appreciates the report’s emphasis on people-centric approaches and community-based planning, which are key strategies in IOM’s interventions. As the largest provider and holder of IDP data, IOM is also glad to see data recognized as central to the report’s recommendations.

“In recent years, the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) has unfortunately consistently increased,” said António Vitorino, Director General of IOM. “We are continuing our efforts to work with national authorities, civil society and the private sector to empower internally displaced populations and find ways to support them in rebuilding their lives.” 

IOM is committed to assisting governments, communities and individuals to achieve the sustainable development goals and strengthen community resilience to ensure that every IDP is protected, and their rights safeguarded. 

IOM is also one of the few UN entities whose work on internal displacement spans the full spectrum of prevention, preparedness and risk reduction; humanitarian response and, development and peace building. IOM’s overarching aim is to deliver comprehensive responses that are context-specific and promote Accountability to the Affected Populations and the safeguarding of Data Protection Principles. 

IOM encourages Governments to heed the recommendations in this report as a clarion call to all affected countries, who must recognize that State-led action and resolve is key to preventing greater displacement, mitigating its impact, and achieving sustainable and long-lasting solutions.  

IOM is ready to continue supporting the UN Secretary-General, Member States and partners to carry forward the necessary actions proposed in this report to ensure that internal displacement and the pursuit of lasting, effective solutions continue to gain prominence and recognition on the international agenda. 

The full report can be found on the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement's  website.   

For more information:

Muse Mohammed, Multimedia Officer (MCD)
Telephone: +41 79 582 40 93, Email: