
IOM, UNHCR Launch EU-Funded Stability Project in Somalia Addressing Root Causes of Irregular Migration, Displacement

Somalia - IOM and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) launched two projects funded by the European Union (EU) Emergency Trust Fund aimed at contributing to a sustainable and durable reintegration of refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Somalia and anchoring populations within Somalia.

IOM’s project is entitled, Facilitating Sustainable Return through Laying Foundations for Somalia in the Horn of Africa (FLASH), in Kismayo, Somalia. UNHCR’s project is entitled, Enhancing Somalia’s Responsiveness to the Management and Reintegration of Mixed Migration Flows (RE-INTEG). Each project will take place over a two-year period and is funded with EUR 5 million.

To support Somalia’s recovery, FLASH will increase government capacity in providing immediate assistance to returnees, as well as establish an Inter-Ministerial High Level Task Force on Migration Management. The Task Force will focus on migration related issues and the development of a Migration Governance Framework in Somalia. The funds will also be used to improve data collection, monitoring and planning of population movements. This will be achieved through border management assessments, establishment of mobile immigration units and data collection on returns and reintegration.

An average of over 25,000 Somalis return to Somalia each year, particularly from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and from Yemen.

“The EU’s contribution arrives at a significant time as Somalia faces critical challenges, including drought conditions that have left over 6.2 million people in dire need of humanitarian assistance,” said Gerard Waite, the IOM Somalia Chief of Mission. 

“Additionally, the country is still experiencing an influx of returnees. This project will help the Government establish mechanisms to cope with issues, such as irregular migration and successful reintegration of returnees,” he added.

Since 2013, the EU has generously supported IOM’s interventions in Somalia in support of persons and communities affected by displacement and related protection concerns, including actions on the prevention of child trafficking and gender-based violence (GBV), as well as protection and care for victims in Somalia.

For further information, please contact Julia Hartlieb, IOM Somalia, Tel: +254 731 988 846, Email: