
IOM Turns over Refurbished Health Stations for Return Communities in Philippines

IOM has turned over three health stations in return communities in
the southern Philippines.

IOM and its partners in the health cluster in the Autonomous
Region in Muslim Mindanao repaired and refurbished the stations in
the villages of Nunangen, Tugal and Linamonan in Maguindanao
province for thousands of families who had been displaced several
times since 2008 by armed conflict, clan feuds locally known as
"rido" and natural disasters.

"The project seeks to address the communities' need for
accessible and timely medical services as they return to their
places of origin," says IOM Philippines Chief of Mission Ovais

Many displaced persons are returning to their home communities
to find that many social service infrastructure and services have
been damaged or halted. In addition, most of the communities have
limited ability in meeting their health needs due to the lack of
money, on-site facilities and personnel.

The health stations are equipped with medical kits, weighing
scales, blood pressure meters, medicine cabinets, sterilizers and
medical examination tables, among other items which were lost or
damaged during the displacement, and which were identified by
medical personnel as necessities.

Medical personnel for the health stations are being provided by
the Philippine Government’s Department of Health, which also
co-led the project along with the World Health Organization.

Community leaders, representatives as well as government
officials and health cluster partners attended the turnover
ceremonies on 28 and 29 March.

The project is funded by the United Nations Central Emergency
Response Fund (UN CERF) under the Humanitarian Action Plan (HAP) of
2011. IOM started operations in Mindanao in 2008 and continues to
respond to complex emergencies in the region.

For more information please contact:

Ovais Sarmad

IOM Philippines Chief of Mission

Tel: +632 230 1777

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