
IOM Trucks Aid to Areas Worst Hit by Floods, Expands Distribution Through Local Partners

IOM’s trucking operations to deliver emergency shelter and
other aid to the victims of the worst floods in Pakistan’s
history are rapidly expanding with the help of local partners, but
still fall far short of the desperate needs, particularly in the
south of the country.

IOM has now handled incoming donations in-kind, warehousing and
onward transportation of relief goods from 33 aid flights from
USAID /OFDA, the UK Department for International Development
(DFID), the UN, the European Union and Americares.

It is currently trucking emergency shelter and non-food relief
items to hubs in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) (Peshawar), Sindh (Sukkur
and Hyderabad) and Punjab (Multan) and immediately distributing
them from hub warehouses to flood victims, in close cooperation
with the local authorities, and with the help of local and
international NGO implementing partners.

In Punjab, it has delivered some 90,000 plastic sheets, 2,070
tents, 106,000 blankets, 63,000 jerry cans, 6,500 kitchen sets to
the shelter hub in Multan. Each family receives two plastic sheets.
Some also get poles or ropes to set up their shelters.

In Sindh, it has delivered some 44,000 plastic sheets, 82,000
blankets, 101,500 jerry cans and 6,550 kitchen sets to the northern
Sukkur hub. It has also delivered some 18,000 plastic sheets, 5,850
tents, 61,600 blankets and 59,000 jerry cans to the southern
Hyderabad hub.

In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) it has delivered some 25,000 plastic
sheets, 1,735 tents, 52,000 blankets, 23,825 buckets, 4,000 jerry
cans and 1,650 kitchen sets to the Peshawar hub.

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IOM is also trucking National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA) relief goods to hubs across the country. To date, it has
dispatched 139 truckloads of NDMA shipments to various locations
including Multan (32), Kot Addu (5), Muzzafarabad (18), Islamabad
(11), Sukkur (9), Swat (4), Lahore (1) and Peshawar (59).

IOM is also directly supporting the NDMA, Pakistan’s lead
disaster response agency, by helping it to hire an additional 45
staff, including sectoral experts, to support the flood response.
They include logistics, data entry, communications and support
staff. IOM is also helping the NDMA with procurement.

With more aid reaching flood-affected areas, coordination
between agencies distributing shelter at provincial and district
level is also improving. But with NDMA estimates of over 1.8
million houses damaged or destroyed by the floods, the Emergency
Shelter Cluster, which is led by IOM, believes that between US$300
and $600 million will be needed over the coming months to provide
emergency and transitional shelter and to start repairing
people’s homes.

To date some 70 shelter cluster agencies have distributed
emergency shelter to about 381,000 families or over 2.67 million
people. They have also distributed 420,000 blankets, 100,000
kitchen sets, 100,000 sleeping mats, and over 4,000 toolkits.
Another 295,000 plastic sheets, 77,300 tents, 460,000 blankets,
92,000 kitchen sets and 3,000 sleeping mats are in their
procurement pipelines.

"The nature of the emergency and our response is changing
rapidly. While people are still being displaced in Sindh, others in
Punjab, KPK and other provinces are returning home to scenes of
complete devastation. In the north we also have to address the
arrival of winter. Our response needs to be adapted accordingly,"
says IOM Pakistan Emergency Response Manager Brian Kelly.

For more information on IOM's activities in Pakistan, to
download IOM funding appeals or to donate to IOM's flood response,
please go to: "/jahia/Jahia/pakistan" target="" title=

For information on the Emergency Shelter Cluster, please go to:
"" target="_blank" title=

For additional information please contact:

Saleem Rehmat

IOM Islamabad

Tel: +92.300 856 0341

Email: "">


Chris Lom

Tel: +92.300 852 6357

Email: "">