
IOM Trains Thai and Myanmar Officials to Combat Human Trafficking and Smuggling

Thailand - Located at the crossroads of mainland Southeast Asia, Thailand is a country of origin, transit and destination for large numbers of migrants from across the region. Between three to four million migrants are estimated to be living and working in the country.

In an effort to combat human trafficking and human smuggling, IOM last week concluded joint training sessions for 32 frontline officers from the Immigration Departments of both Thailand and Myanmar in Ranong, Thailand and Kawthaung, Myanmar.

Aimed at enhancing cross border cooperation between the two countries, officers were trained on procedures and techniques to identify and protect victims of trafficking, conduct crime scene investigations, as well as joint investigations of smuggling and trafficking cases. Emphasis was also placed on fraudulent document identification and cyber security – an emerging threat in the fight against organized transnational crime.

“Cross border cooperation is a key element of IOM’s counter-trafficking and counter-smuggling initiatives in Thailand,” said Euan McDougall, IOM Thailand’s Project Manager for Immigration and Border Management. “The transnational nature of human trafficking and smuggling necessitates an integrated approach between countries of origin, transit and destination in tackling organized networks.”

IOM has also integrated new learning methodologies into its training. Through the use of interactive simulations, officers were provided the opportunity to handle a variety of situations, including the conduct of interviews with criminals, victims and informants, and the carrying out of joint bilateral investigations of criminal rings.

The training sessions are the first implemented under the third phase of the project “Strengthening Border Management and Intelligence Capacity of Thai Government Officials”. Funded by the Government of Canada, the project has been ongoing since 2012 and has supported the Royal Thai Government efforts in combating human smuggling and trafficking. Over 700 immigration and law enforcement officers have been trained to date.

For further information please contact Dana Graber Ladek at IOM Thailand, Email:, Tel: +66 2 343 9301.