
IOM Trains Puntland Police, Immigration to Combat Human Trafficking and Gender-Based Violence

Somalia - IOM, with support from the European Union and the Japanese Government, has organized a second training for 30 Puntland police and immigration officers in Garowe, Galkayo and Bossaso focusing on human trafficking and gender-based violence (GBV).

The training was designed to equip the officers with skills and knowledge to identify GBV cases, as well as understand the link between GBV and human trafficking. The officers learned the difference between trafficking and smuggling, and how to detect, handle and report cases of GBV and trafficking that they come across during their daily routine duties.

The officers learnt about the actors in the referral mechanism, their roles and how they coordinate. Different actors in the referral mechanism are responsible for reporting cases for screening, providing assistance, investigating, prosecuting and facilitating the reintegration of victims.

Three experts seconded through IOM to Puntland’s Criminal Investigation Department Office, Office of the Attorney General and Ministry of Women and Development Affairs facilitated the training.

As Puntland is a transit point for large numbers of vulnerable migrants, the training will be critical in helping the officers to identify cases of trafficking and GBV at their duty stations. A similar training was held in November 2014 for another group of 30 officers.

For more information please contact IOM Somalia. Julia Hartlieb, Email:, Tel. +254 254 731 988 846, or Ruth Mbugua, Email:, Tel. +254 708 985 810.