
IOM Trains Nigerian Immigration Officials on Migration Information and Data Analysis System

Moshi – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, supported by its African Capacity Building Centre (ACBC) in Moshi and in collaboration with IOM Abuja, conducted a five-day specialized workshop on IOM's Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) from 22-26 October 2018.

The workshop gathered a total of 25 participants, including 10 immigration officers from the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) and several staff members from IOM Nigeria. The workshop was facilitated by four MIDAS experts from IOM Headquarters.

The objective of the workshop was to strategize on the status of the MIDAS architecture in Nigeria and, given its size and complexity, to carefully describe all next steps required to ensure its required stability and robustness.

MIDAS is a comprehensive Border Management Information System designed to be compliant with international standards and currently implemented in over 20 countries. With the capability to collect, process, store, and analyse traveller information, MIDAS enables governments to more effectively monitor those entering and exiting their territory while providing a sound statistical basis for migration policy-related planning.

The MIDAS system in Nigeria will connect a total of 19 land border posts and five international airports, and it will facilitate foreigner registration in the country – all of which make it one of the biggest MIDAS system architectures in the wold.

The workshop focused on several important aspects: MIDAS System Architecture; MIDAS Database Creation and Management; Network Challenges and Solutions in Nigeria; MIDAS Integration Capacity; MIDAS and Related Systems Web-Service Development and Foreigners Registration System in Nigeria.

It also aimed to improve understanding of all critical requirements of the MIDAS system architecture, database and information management as well as its full functionality, including its readiness to be integrated with other relevant data systems.

Dr. Qasim Sufi, the IOM Chief of Mission in the United Republic of Tanzania, stated that this workshop was an excellent example of a commendable coordination and synergy between IOM and Nigerian Government partners.

Enhanced operational capacity of immigration services will positively contribute to the African Union’s overall endeavour to facilitate free of movement of persons within the continent.

The workshop was held under the projects Enhancing Land and Sea Border Data Systems (ELSBDS) and Enhancing Air Border Data Systems (EABDS).

For more information, please contact:
Damien Thuriaux at IOM HQ, Tel: +41227179808, Email:
Ivanka Spadina at IOM Abuja, Tel: +2349062850250, Email: