
IOM Trains Local Associations on Project Development in CAR

Central African Republic - IOM in the Central African Republic (CAR) this week (06/12) trained over 40 local associations on how to develop social cohesion projects in Ndélé, in the north-eastern part of the country.

This training falls under the third pillar (peaceful cohabitation) of the European Union (EU)-funded project Support to Community Stabilization and Immediate Recovery of at Risk Communities in the Central African Republic (SIRIRI), specifically covering Bangui, Boda, Kaga-Bandoro and Ndélé. The town of Ndélé was particularly affected by the violence of 2013. 

The training, which was facilitated by IOM-CAR’s Bangui office and was attended by leaders of 44 mixed local associations, began with an information session on the SIRIRI project and its three specific objectives: revitalizing local markets including through cash-for-work activities; rehabilitation of community infrastructures; and strengthening intercommunity dialogue and pacific cohabitation.  Participants were encouraged to share success stories of activities carried out under this third objective, as well as highlight problems encountered, and collectively discuss possible solutions and vectors for improvement.

A general training on the development of projects, including the justification, identification and choice of beneficiaries and budgeting followed. Participants were encouraged to develop projects together, using each other’s various expertise to strengthen proposed actions.

“Social cohesion begins here with us in this room, we are examples for our community.  As such, we must work together, share our experiences and ideas, through our activities to show our respective communities the way to sustainable peace,” said Grace-Sylvain Braï, head of the Training and Education Centre for Orphans and Fight against HIV/AIDS.

Five joint project proposals were submitted at the end of this training. Participants agreed to continue meeting regularly, coordinating amongst each other and continuing to create joint projects, particularly focusing on inclusion of vulnerable members of society, including people living with handicaps, people living with HIV/AIDS, youth at risk and widows.

The EUR 10 million SIRIRI (peace in Sangho) project is active in four zones of the Central African Republic – Bangui, Boda, Kaga-Bandoro and Ndélé.

Since the beginning of the project, nearly 20,000 community members have participated in cash-for-work activities, 60 infrastructures have been rehabilitated and over 250,000 people have participated in social cohesion activities. These activities have been organized either by local associations or by IOM through various activities primarily engaging youth.

For more information please contact Habiboulaye Lamine Bachard at IOM CAR, Tel: +23675472979, Email: