
IOM Trains Libyan NGOs to Combat Human Trafficking

Libya - IOM Libya this week hosted a three-day counter trafficking training in Tunis for 26 participants from 12 Libyan NGOs and Libya’s Directorate for Combating Illegal Migration.

The training was funded by the US State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration as part of an IOM project: “Addressing irregular migration flows and upholding human rights of migrants along the north-eastern African migration route and North Africa, Phase 2.”

The project aims to strengthen the knowledge of NGOs and government authorities involved in combating human trafficking and providing direct assistance to victims.

The training focused on three main topics: trafficking in persons; vulnerability assessment and assisted voluntary return and reintegration. It was the first event of its kind bringing together NGOs and their government counterparts since July 2014.

Participants came from all over Libya, including Tripoli, Benghazi, Sebha, Zwara, and Al-Zawyah, and included NGOs new to the field of counter trafficking.

Despite the crisis in Libya, IOM is continuing to provide direct assistance to stranded migrants and displaced families inside Libya, including the distribution of non-food aid, hygiene kits and healthcare services delivered through IOM partners on the ground.

For more information please contact IOM Libya. Othman Belbeisi, Tel. +216 296-00-389, Email: or Maysa Khalil, Tel. +216 296-00-388, Email: