
IOM Trains Bangladesh's Immigration Officials to Identify Fake Documents

IOM Dhaka has organized a five-day training in document analysis
and examination for 20 Police Special Branch officers responsible
for immigration.

The training, which was the first of its kind in Bangladesh, was
provided by experts from IOM and the British High Commission, and
is part of an ongoing technical cooperation programme funded by

"This workshop teaches participants about different
international travel documents, their security features and
provides hands on practice in their identification and
verification," says IOM expert Sjef Broekhaar, who led the

The closing session of the training was attended by IOM Regional
Representative Rabab Fatima, the Head of the Special Branch, the
Additional Inspector General of Bangladesh Police and the
Australian High Commissioner.

IOM's Australia-funded technical cooperation programme provides
a range of technical support to the Special Branch, including the
establishment of Document Analysis Centres, online connectivity of
major international ports, equipment support and professional
training.  It also supported the government's roll-out of
machine readable passports.

For more information please contact:

Asif Munier

IOM Dhaka

E-mail:  "">

Tel. +880.1.714.114.659


Tanya Huq Shahriar

E-mail: "">

Tel. +880.1.713.01.1705