
IOM Teams Assess More Remote Chadian Entry Points as Migrants Continue to Flee Libya

Following a request from the Chadian government, IOM has sent
assessment teams to the remote towns of Mourdia on the Libyan
border, and Bol and Kanem on the Niger border, to assess the
situation of migrants who have fled there from Libya.

Yesterday an IOM team of operations and security officers left
Abeche for Mourdia, a small town located 400 km northeast of Bahai
in Chad's Ennedi region.

The team, which is expected to arrive in Mourdia today, will
assess the situation of over 1,500 migrants who have reportedly
arrived there from Koufra in Libya over the past week.

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The mission will assess the needs of the group, which is
believed to include some 300 Libyans, including women, children and
people who are sick, in terms of food, water and onward
transportation to final destinations in Chad.

It will also conduct a quick registration, survey their route
from the Libyan border and map it with a view to setting up a way
station to help other migrants leaving Libya in the same way.

A second IOM team has been dispatched to the towns of Bol and
Kanem, where migrants fleeing the Libyan crisis have started to
cross into Chad via Niger.

IOM is now in the process of setting up two way stations at
Sallum and Noukou villages to monitor the movement of traffic along
this route and to provide assistance in terms of food, water and
emergency medical services to vulnerable migrants.

While an estimated 10,000 migrants are believed to have already
taken this route, the majority are reportedly from the neighbouring
Kanem and Bah El Ghazal regions.

Since Chadian and other migrants started to cross Chadian
borders from Libya in mid-March, IOM Chad has mapped seven major
Entry Points into the country and is in the process of setting up
nine way/monitoring stations to help the most vulnerable.

For more information, please contact:

Dr. Qasim Sufi

IOM Chad

Tel: + 235 62 90 0674

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