
IOM Targets Mobile Populations in Nigeria to Prevent Avian and Human Influenza

The IOM office in Nigeria has launched a week-long awareness
campaign among migrant poultry workers, traders and transporters in
the south-eastern Anambra State.

The campaign, part of IOM's Avian and Human Influenza (AHI)
pandemic preparedness for migrants and mobile population project,
is carried out in close cooperation with key partners from
government ministries and the avian influenza control project
(AICP), both at federal, state and local level.

The activities, which include the distribution of information,
educational and communication materials and face-to-face contacts
with bird sellers and mobile populations, kicked off in Afor-Nnobi
and Afor-Agulu fowl markets before reaching out to six other
locations throughout Anambra State.

"The distribution of promotional material, including overalls
and soap at the fowl markets attracted large crowds," says IOM's
James Atusue. "Poultry workers, traders and transporters were
receptive to our prevention efforts, which crucially benefit from
the active support of community and religious leaders and of the
local media."

The project, which is funded through the UN Central Fund for
Influenza Actions (CFIA), is part of IOM's efforts to encourage
behavioural change among at-risk mobile communities.

Similar awareness raising activities will take place from the
second to the fourth week in March in the States of Lagos, Kano and
Borno. Some 2,000 members of the target group are expected to be
mobilized in each target State.

As of December 2008, there have been 298 confirmed
outbreaks of avian influenza in poultry affecting 26 of the 36
states in Nigeria. The situation has led to the death of more than
1.3 million birds, and has resulted in loss of livelihood for many
farmers and traders. To date, one human case has been detected in

For further information, please contact:

James Atusue

IOM Abuja

Tel: +234 9 461 13 40

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