
IOM Tackles the Spread of Scabies among Migrants and Refugees at Salloum Border Crossing

More than 1,000 migrants and refugees at the Salloum border
crossing between Libya and Egypt have been treated for a scabies
infection by a team of IOM specialists, in collaboration with the
Egyptian ministry of health and the UNHCR.

Migrants and refugees who fled Libya and are now at Salloum
transit centre waiting for onward transportation, started
complaining of skin infections, allergy and rashes early last

Scabies is an itchy, highly contagious skin disease caused by an
infestation by the itch mite.  It is transmitted by close
personal contact with an infected individual, and spreads rapidly.
It causes skin rashes and severe, relentless itching. Small
children and babies are particularly prone to scabies

Upon detecting the infection, the Organization dispatched a team
of 11 health volunteers to reinforce the health team which was
already in place.

In all, 400 persons were found to be infected with scabies but
as a precautionary measure, all migrants and refugees, numbering
1,400 were given treatment.

IOM procured treatment medicine and supplies from its Cairo
base. They were shipped to Salloum, where the IOM health team
treated the infection. The treatment was repeated for four days to
ensure that the infection was totally eradicated.

At the same time, IOM supported complementary measures carried
out by partners such as fumigating and spraying the area and the
surroundings, isolating migrant's clothes and exposing them to the
sun for three days, and replacing blankets and mattresses.

The health team also assisted with the burning of blankets and
mattresses which were suspected to harbour the scabies mite, and
replaced them with new ones donated by the UNHCR.

Afterwards, the IOM team provided information on how best to
prevent the recurrence of scabies infections.

According to IOM's Migration Health Officer in Salloum, the
infection is currently under control and that all cases have been

For more information please contact:

Angela Santucci

IOM Salloum

Tel: +201 000 003 961

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