
IOM Supports Yemen Measles Immunization Campaign

IOM is assisting the Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and
Population in a nation-wide measles immunization campaign,
responding to an ongoing outbreak of the disease first reported
late last year.

IOM is recruiting and training supervisors and health
workers who will implement the campaign in six hard-to-access
northern districts of  Al Jawf Governorate: Al Humaydat, Bart
Al Anan, Rajuzah, Az Zahir, Kharab Al Marashi and Khabb wa ash

The districts have been badly affected by the conflict between
Yemen government forces and the Houthi clan and suffer from chronic
underdevelopment.  The campaign is planning to vaccinate some
126,600 children under 10 years old by the first half of May.

This is the first time in many years that a measles vaccination
campaign has been carried out  in Al Jawf, due to lack of
access, resistance by the conservative population and

The campaign is being carried out with funding from USAID's
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) as part of a broader
health intervention started in 2010 in the six Al Jawf

For more information please contact:

Teresa Zakaria

IOM Yemen

Tel: + 967-736700311

E-mail: "mailto:tzakaria@iom.itn">tzakaria@iom.itn