
IOM supports UAE Red Crescent at new Syrian refugee camp in Jordan

Jordan - IOM is providing technical support to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Red Crescent Society and the Jordanian government in the management of a new refugee camp for vulnerable Syrian families fleeing to Jordan.

The Emirates Jordanian Camp (EJC), which opened two weeks ago and is located in Zarqa prefecture, has already received a total of 1,688 refugees. It has a current capacity of 5,000, but will eventually house up to 25,000 people.

Previously Syrian refugees crossing into Jordan were bussed by IOM to the Za’atri refugee camp, close to the Syrian border in Mafraq prefecture. But Za’atri is now filled to capacity with some 190,000 refugees. 

“IOM is working in close collaboration with the UAE Red Crescent to provide decent and humane living conditions at the EJC, which will eventually house over 4,000 families and is funded by our UAE Red Crescent partners,” said Fouad Diab, who coordinates IOM’s camp management activities in Jordan.

IOM’s main role in the EJC is to provide orientation and reception services to new arrivals; establish onsite governance and community participation mechanisms; and provide technical support to the UAE Red Crescent in camp coordination and camp management (CCCM). IOM is the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) global cluster lead in CCCM.

For more information, please contact 

Davide Terzi
IOM Jordan
Tel: +962 7 75770001


Fouad Diab


Veronica Costarelli