
IOM Supports Salvador Policy to Link Diaspora to Development

El Salvador – IOM El Salvador this week presented a work plan to provide technical support to the National Council for the Protection and Development of Migrants and their Families (CONMIGRANTE) as it develops a public policy to include the diaspora in the country’s development initiatives.

IOM will help CONMIGRANTE, which was created in October 2012, as it develops its procedures, plans its long-term vision and equips its offices. The organization is comprised of representatives from government ministries, universities, NGOs, the private sector and diaspora organizations.

Under the programme, which is funded by the IOM Development Fund, IOM will support CONMIGRANTE as it formulates a national policy on migration and protection of migrants through meetings at the national and local level, and the creation of thematic groups and focal points from government, the private sector, civil society, academia and diaspora associations in Canada and the United States.

“We are excited to be involved in this initiative because the Salvadorian diaspora is very engaged and willing to contribute to the development of their communities of origin.  For its part, the government recognizes the valuable skills and other contributions that the diaspora can make and is committed to reaching out to them so they can take part in the development plans for the country,” explained Jorge Sagastume, IOM Programme Coordinator in El Salvador.

According to official figures, some three million Salvadorians are living abroad, the vast majority in North America.  Remittances sent by these migrants to their families have risen this year by 9.5 per cent, amounting to USD 946.2 million in the first six months alone.

“In the past few months, the Government of El Salvador has put in place initiatives to facilitate the registration of its diaspora through its consular offices, as well as the possibility of out-of-country voting for its citizens.  These are all important steps designed to harness the potential of its large and active diaspora, and IOM is pleased to be lending its expertise to make this a success,” added Sagastume.

For more information please contact

Adriana Granados
IOM El Salvador
Tel: 503 2 25 21 05 35