
IOM Supports Safe and Orderly Migration Through the Inauguration of a Modern Border Post in Kemerida

IOM Supports Safe and Orderly Migration Through the Inauguration of a Modern Border Post in Kemerida

Kémérida – On Friday 24 June 2022, the inauguration ceremony of the border control post of Kémérida (Binah Prefecture, Kara region) took place. This infrastructure, which meets international standards, was inaugurated by the Minister of Security and Civil Protection, General Damehane Yark, in the presence of the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Togo, H.E. Mr Matthias Veltin, and IOM Chief of Mission in Ghana, Togo and Benin, Ms Abibatou Wane.

The inauguration and handover ceremony are part of the project “Strengthening border security and border community resilience in the Gulf of Guinea” implemented by IOM Togo, with funding from the German Federal Foreign Office. The construction of this new border post strengthens the Togolese Government’s response mechanism to emerging security threats including the spread of terrorism, violent extremism and transnational crime.

The new border post, equipped with the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS), will help simplify the work of security forces operating at the border, enabling them to effectively monitor migration flows. The inauguration ceremony was coupled with the handing over of border patrol equipment including motorbikes, torches, vehicle control mirrors, metal detectors, VHF radios, document control magnifiers, and waterproofs. Water, hygiene and sanitation (WASH) facilities and a solar energy system were also put in place for staff and passengers at the Kemerida border.

The German ambassador present at the ceremony highlighted that Germany understands the security concerns raised by the Togolese Government. He reiterated Germany’s commitment to support Togo. According to Ms Abibatou Wane, IOM Chief of Mission: “Togo, like other countries in the Gulf of Guinea, is facing existing and emerging challenges in terms of border security. It is with this in mind that IOM is supporting Togo to address the migration challenges it faces”. She concluded her speech by expressing the wish that this new modern border post and equipment handed over would contribute to a better security of border areas and border communities.

In his speech, the Minister of Security and Civil Protection expressed his deep gratitude to IOM and its various donors, mainly the Federal Republic of Germany, for their interest in security issues. “This infrastructure will enable our country to better deal with issues of foreign fighters that plague West Africa, infest border areas and facilitate the expansion of violent extremism and ramifications of the terrorist hydra. It will also contribute to the improvement of working conditions and efficiency of security forces in charge of border surveillance through the acquisition and provision of office furniture, modern equipment for migration flow control and vehicles,” said the Minister.

As a reminder, it was on November 4, 2021 that the Minister of Security and Civil Protection and the Chief of Mission of IOM laid the first stone for the construction of this border post. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) will continue to support the Government of Togo in the effective management and promotion of safe, orderly and dignified migration.

For more information, please contact: Etienne BANGA, Head of Office IOM Togo, email: