
IOM Supports Grassroots Initiatives for the 2010 FIFA World Cup in South Africa

IOM launched this week an initiative supporting the work of
grassroots organizations to prevent and respond to trafficking in
persons before, during, and after the 2010 FIFA World Cup.
Spearheaded and funded by the US Department of State's Office to
Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons (G/TIP), the project
authorizes IOM to award and oversee a series of small grants to 16
community-based organizations to support a range of prevention and
protection activities around the country.

As South Africa prepares for the first World Cup on the
continent, community and religious leaders, teachers, government
officials and the private sector are being engaged in educating the
population on the dangers and warning signs of human trafficking.
There is a general need to better inform communities on how to
identify victims, to whom to refer cases of trafficking, and how to
assist victims. This project is taking advantage of this time of
heightened interest regarding vulnerability to trafficking in
persons not only to inform communities but also to create necessary
mechanisms for internal and cross-border coordination and

IOM kicked off the project with a workshop for selected
organizations to share and coordinate their activities, in order to
identify common goals, maximize resources, and put forth a strong,
effective and unified message against trafficking in persons during
the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Most of the organizations selected for
grant awards are focused on awareness raising activities –
radio dramas, theatre, road shows, soccer matches, information
campaigns, training in schools – and are directed at areas
most vulnerable to trafficking in persons, including rural
communities and fan parks around World Cup stadiums. The
community-based organizations will carry out activities in
different target areas using sustainable approaches, to build
awareness and capacity within grassroots communities.

IOM has administered its Southern Africa Counter-Trafficking
Assistance (SACTAP) programme since 2003. In addition to the
current project, the programme focuses on awareness-raising,
capacity building for government and civil society, research, and
direct assistance to victims. More than 10,000 officials have been
trained, and 310 victims assisted during the programme's

For more information contact:

Mariam Khokhar

SACTAP Programme Manager

IOM South Africa

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