
IOM supports development of new interactive migration website in Peru

Peru - The Peruvian Government this week launched a new interactive migration website which provides up-to-date information and expedites migration–related applications and requirements for its citizens, tourists and all migrants traveling to the country.

As part of the ongoing cooperation with the Ministry of Interior, IOM’s migration and technical experts provided financial support and guidance to the National Migration Superintendent’s office in the development of the new website MIGRACIONES.

Visitors can search the website for answers to their questions, request appointments on-line, download all forms, and receive updates regarding procedures, including expedited services.

“Our offices, together with IOM experts, have developed this new website to improve our services, to provide a secure environment for visitors and to continue modernizing our outreach to all users,” said National Migration Superintendent Dr. Edgard Reymundo Mercado.

More than 70 per cent of the services provided by MIGRACIONES involve expediting passports, residence identification cards for foreigners living in Peru, visas and movement certificates. 

In 2013 the service issued 339,785 passports and completed 137,000 applications for changes to migration status, residence permit extensions, and visa applications.

IOM Chief of Mission in Peru, José Iván Dávalos, said: “The National Migration Superintendent’s office has seen a huge increase in the number of movements to and from Peru and this new website is needed to keep up with questions and applications.  The website will also be welcomed by the almost 2.5 million Peruvians living abroad, as they will also have access to the new service.”

For more information, please contact

IOM Peru:

Alejandro Arregui
Tel. +51 964 107 537

Cesar Estrella
Tel. +51 989 133 720


Jeremy Macgillivray
Tel. +51 965 407 033