
IOM Supports Burkina Faso Launch of Migration Information and Data Analysis System

Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2017

From left: Burkina Faso Minister of Security Simon Compaore, Japan’s Ambassador to Burkina Faso Tamotsu Ikezaki, and IOM Burkina Faso Chief of Mission Abibatou Wane at the MIDAS launch inf Dakola border post. Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2017

From left: Burkina Faso Minister of Security Simon Compaore, Japan’s Ambassador to Burkina Faso Tamotsu Ikezaki, and IOM Burkina Faso Chief of Mission Abibatou Wane at the MIDAS launch inf Dakola border post. Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2017

Photo: UN Migration Agency (IOM) 2017

Ouagadougou – The Government of Burkina Faso recently (29/09) launched the Migration Information and Data Analysis System (MIDAS) at its Dakola border post on the Burkina-Ghana border. Installed with the financial support of the Government of Japan, MIDAS will allow the Government of Burkina Faso to better manage movements of people and goods across its borders.

Border management in Burkina Faso is an important issue, given the porous borders that affect the country's ability to effectively monitor the movement of people and goods and to prevent threats to internal security. Hence the need for a coordinated and sustainable response involving border communities and authorities alike.

The MIDAS launch is part of the Strengthening Border Security in Burkina Faso project implemented by the Border Police and IOM. The project aims to strengthen the operational and technical capacities of border management structures and actors, particularly Border Police, and to support collaboration between security forces and border communities. It follows on from the project Coordinated Border Management in Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso and Mauritania, also funded by the Government of Japan, which saw the installation of MIDAS at three border posts in 2016.

According to Victor Akowe Zanguyo, the mayor of Po, a border town, the launch of this tool answers a real need. “Every day, we, the people of the border regions, are exposed to the phenomenon of insecurity. This project comes at the right time because it will contribute to the security of our community.”

Japan’s Ambassador to Burkina Faso, Tamotsu Ikezaki, stated: “Trafficking in arms and narcotics, cross-border crime and recent terrorist acts in the region have once again underlined the urgent need for more integrated border management by adopting a regional approach in the field of immigration management.”

MIDAS is a border management information system that complies with international standards and allows the collection, processing, storage and analysis of traveller data in real time through an extensive network at a country’s borders. This allows for more effective management of people entering and leaving Burkinabe territory, while providing a solid statistical basis for migration policies and strategies. The system was developed by IOM in 2009 to support governments to better manage migration issues.

For Burkina Faso, MIDAS establishes an interconnection and data-exchange on migration flows between all border posts and Border Police Headquarters. The project will also equip the Kantchari border post on the Burkina-Niger border with MIDAS, thus extending the existing network to a fourth border post.

A demonstration of the MIDAS system at the end of the ceremony was performed by Sibiri Nikiema, a Police Commissioner with the Burkinabè Border Police.

Minister of Security, Simon Compaore said: “MIDAS is undoubtedly an advanced technological tool whose judicious exploitation will lead to the improvement of border control in the fight against cross-border crime, human trafficking and migrant smuggling with the existence of terrorist groups in the sub-region that have invested in these areas.”

“I hope that this tool will help border posts optimize their operations for better border management to counter all forms of cross-border crime in an effective and coordinated way and ensure the movement of people and goods safely,” said Abibatou Wane, IOM Burkina Faso Chief of Mission.

MIDAS had been installed at three border posts in Burkina Faso, namely Dakola, Madouba and Yendere. The Government is considering extending it to the other border posts in the country. Through this initiative, IOM supports the Government of Burkina Faso in its efforts to offer sustainable alternatives and solutions to the management of security and migration flows.

For more information please contact Anna Steilen at IOM Burkina Faso, Tel. +226 67 39 65 33. Email: