
IOM-Supported Project for Vulnerable Populations Receives Award

A micro enterprise run by internally
displaced Colombians and supported by IOM this week won first prize
in the Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) Entrepreneurship

The award was created by the Micro Business
Development Corporation (Corpomixta), a Colombian public/private
institution that promotes and assists small and medium sized
enterprises, with support from IOM's IDP Assistance Programme
funded by USAID.

The prizes were granted in two categories: the
first category honours organizations that manage socioeconomic
stabilization programmes in favor of IDPs and vulnerable
groups.  The winner in this category was Fundación
Progresemos (Let Us Make Progress Foundation), for its support in
strengthening the silk production micro-chain located in Palmira,
Valle del Cauca department.

The second category rewards the best
Internally Displaced Persons/Vulnerable Population Enterprise, for
creating and managing sustainable businesses. The first place in
this category was awarded to Luz y Vida (Light & Life), an
IOM-funded handicrafts cooperative created by internally displaced

Of the 1.7 million internally displaced
persons registered with the Colombian government, IOM has assisted
almost 1.1 million in the past six years.  Of this total, IOM
has provided support for the creation of more than 5,000 micro
enterprises and vocational training for more than 12,000 IDPs and
other vulnerable populations.

In 2005, IOM began a social marketing strategy
to help vulnerable populations sell their products and become
independent and self-sufficient.  For more information on the
strategy and to see the products, please visit the IOM Colombia
Website. "">

The winners in both categories received
in-kind prizes amounting to US$ $16,000.  The prizes included
equipment, educational materials and a publication compiling the
winners' business strategies.

For more information contact:

Rocio Sanz

IOM Colombia

Tel 57.311 5619495 or 57.1.622 77 74 ext. 114

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