
IOM Sudan, Italian Development Agency Agree to Provide Water, Sanitation in Eastern Sudan

Sudan - IOM and the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) yesterday signed an agreement for a EUR 800,000 project aimed at enhancing the provision of water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to vulnerable communities in Kassala State, eastern Sudan.

The one-year project will specifically address the severe need for water services and waste management in the eastern Sudanese state which has suffered from years of underdevelopment resulting in scarce water resources and limited infrastructure. This has severely affected the livelihoods of the communities in the region and placed further pressure on the already scarce resources available.

Practically, the project will provide sustainable access to water infrastructures and waste collection management systems in Kassala and Khashm El Girba towns, accompanied by tailored assistance at state-level and community capacity building to ensure the project’s long term sustainability.

The situation in eastern Sudan is further exacerbated by the fact the region is a transit route to Europe as it is situated on the East African Migratory Route. The large number of migrants who pass through on their way to Egypt and Libya from where they attempt to cross the Mediterranean adds more pressure on the already meagre resources and inadequate infrastructure.

The project will be implemented in close partnership and coordination with the Government of Sudan’s Water Environmental Sanitation for Kassala State and State Water Corporation, as well as national partners for community sensitization on water supply, sanitation and hygiene promotion.

Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Italian Ambassador to Sudan, Fabrizio Lobasso said: “Italy has always had a strong relationship with IOM, therefore we consider this project a small yet significant step for the joint work that lies ahead of us. We are already involved in the Khashm El Girba region in Kassala State to help refugees and are able to achieve results, thanks to the work of IOM and all these years of cooperation between us.”

Mario Lito Malanca, IOM Sudan Chief of Mission, expressed his appreciation of the new agreement saying, “This agreement with the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation is a continuation of years of partnership that has served to improve the lives of migrant and host communities across Sudan. IOM has been working to address migration from different perspectives and this specific project is innovative, sensitive and responds to the fast growing challenge of migration the region is facing.”

For further information, please contact Marcello Goletti at IOM Sudan, Tel.:+249 922406694 Email: