
IOM Study Finds High Prevalence of Sexually Transmitted Infections among Ecuador's Vulnerable Northern Border Community

A new IOM study on Sexual and Reproductive Health, was presented
this November 29, which confirms a High Prevalence of Sexually
Transmitted Infections (STIs) amongst persons in search of
international protection and local residents in the community of
Limones, on Ecuador's northern border.

The study, conducted over the past eight months with 370 women
and their partners living in the Limones Parish, confirmed the
initial findings of a prior IOM study conducted in 2009 –
high prevalence of STIs, mainly the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV),
which is the cause of almost all cervical cancers.

Cervical examinations of patients with an abnormal Papanicolaou
test or those otherwise determined at-risk, revealed vaginal HPV in
6.78 per cent of those examined, and vulvar HPV among 37.28 per

The study also found an early start of sexual activity in these
communities, as well as low levels of education, and high levels of
pregnancy amongst women with little or no formal education.

"In order to improve this sad reality, it is essential to
increase sexual education amongst all residents along Ecuador's
northern border, including refugees and persons in search of
international protection," said Doctor Walter Moya, the IOM
consultant conducting the studies.

Since August 2007, IOM has been working with the Ministry of
Public Health, the Provincial Health Department of Esmeraldas, the
Ecuadorian Red Cross, and other local partners, to strengthen
sexual and reproductive health services for local residents of San
Lorenzo, Limones and Tambillo, communities that receive Colombians
in search of international protection.

Ecuador is the country with the highest number of refugees and
asylum seekers from Colombia in Latin America.  According to
the Ecuadorian Foreign Ministry, there are 52,000 Colombians
refugees who receive protection from the Ecuadorian Government.

Since October 2005, IOM has been implementing a programme to
address the emergency needs of Colombians who flee their country
due to the violence of illegal armed groups and seek international
protection.  The programme, funded by the US Department of
State's Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (PRM), covers
Colombia's border areas with Ecuador, Panama and Venezuela.

For more information, please contact:

Ana Guzman

IOM Ecuador

Tel: (+593-2) 226-6304/05/06/07

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