
IOM Sponsors NRC Camp Management Training

Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) trainers this week began to train
over 50 local camp managers and NGO staff working at sites
currently sheltering over 70,000 internally displaced people.

The two-week programme, sponsored by IOM, is designed to provide
camp managers with a better understanding of their roles and
responsibilities in improving conditions and delivering services to
camp populations.

Sanitation, protection and aid distribution have all been major
issues in Dili’s IDP camps over the past two months and
before launching the programme, NRC trainers visited sites and met
with camp leaders.

The NRC programme included provision of a camp management toolkit
and case studies relating to site design, protection, community
participation and camp maintenance.

“Everyday something new arises for each of us managing a
site, and here we had an opportunity to ask questions on some of
the issues that still remain difficult for us to solve,” said
Sister Floriana Oliveira, who manages the Becora Canossiana camp.

The training will continue next week with a special training module
for international representatives of the Site Liaison Support (SLS)
network, which is providing coordination support to local camp
managers in all IDP sites throughout Dili.

For more information, please contact:

Angela Sherwood

IOM Dili

Tel.: +670 723 1576

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