
IOM Somalia Facilitates Community Dialogue on Trafficking and Smuggling

Hargeisa/Mogadishu – IOM, the UN Migration Agency, conducted a training session for 34 members of the Human Trafficking Development Agency (HAKAD), the Ministry of Information, internally displaced persons (IDP) committees and local councilors on community dialogue. The sessions were conducted in Hargeisa and Mogadishu with support from the Government of Japan.

The participants were trained on basic concepts of trafficking and smuggling and facilitation of community dialogue and conversation. The youth were among those selected for the training to encourage peer-to-peer dialogue within their respective locations. Government officials in charge of conducting the community dialogue were also selected for the training. Dialogue on trafficking and smuggling enables humane and orderly migration by creating awareness on the possible outcomes and realities of irregular migration.

IOM is committed to the principle that migrants require adequate information to make informed decisions on migration. For this reason, the community dialogue focuses on grassroots and village-based interventions.

The training utilized tools and methodologies that encouraged participants to freely explain their experiences in relation to human trafficking and irregular migration. Participants utilized focus group discussions, brainstorming sessions, presentations and videos depicting possible consequences and outcomes of irregular migration.

By using these tools, the participants explored and listed down specific reasons for the push and pull factors of irregular migration in their areas of origin. Participants discussed these factors, as well as government policies and strategies to address irregular migration.

The final outcome of the training was the establishment of community conversation groups who will coordinate activities with the local government.

“We are delighted to engage with IOM on activities that matter to the community most, this training will help volunteers to inform and raise awareness on human trafficking and smuggling, hence reducing irregular movement,” said Nuur Said Tahlil from the Ministry of Information.

 For more information, please contact Solomon Tagel, IOM Somalia, Tel: 00 254 712 835 079, Email: