
IOM signs cooperation agreement with government and private sector to reintegrate returning Peruvians

Peru - IOM Peru has signed a cooperation agreement with the Ministry of Labour and Employment Promotion and the Spanish firm Grupo Magtel  to begin a pilot project that will provide reintegration assistance to some 90 Peruvians who have decided to return home from Spain.

“This important cooperation agreement constitutes a firm commitment from the Government and the private sector to ensure successful and long-term reintegration for these migrants returning to Peru, with IOM’s support,” said José Ivan Dávalos, IOM Chief of Mission in Peru.

Peruvian migrants in Spain with expertise in the energy, telecommunications and environment sectors will be employed in the Grupo Magtel branch in Peru.

Migrants selected to participate in the pilot project will be assisted by IOM to return to Peru through IOM’s Assisted Voluntary Return Program funded by Spain’s Ministry of Labour and Social Security, the European Return Fund and the Generalitat de Cataluña.

In Peru, the returned migrants will receive information and support from the country’s Ministry of Labour and training from Grupo Magtel to take up their new jobs.

Peru’s Vice Minister for Employment Promotion and Training, Edgar Quispe Remón, said this agreement paves the way for the development of a planned labour reintegration scheme for Peruvians who have been impacted by the economic crisis in Spain and wish to return home.

“It’s important to stress that these persons are returning to a firm and secure offer of employment that pays fair wages and all labour rights stipulated under the law,” added Quispe.

Working with the Ministry of Labour, IOM also will carry out follow up visits to the work place and monitor the reintegration progress of the returnees.

According to IOM research, between 1990 and 2011 some 2.5 million Peruvians left the country; 14.3 per cent of them migrated to Spain, the main destination country in Europe for Peruvian migrants.   In the past three years, some 105,000 Peruvians have returned to their country.

For more information, please contact

Carolina Santos
IOM Peru
Tel: +511 221 7209 Ext.145
Mobile: +51 968 216 777